  • 海关律师网 > 海关律师说法 > 外贸进出口管制
    发布时间:2021-10-13 17:18:00  浏览:5116次


    背景2021年10月,美国核管理委员会(NRC, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission)发布EXPORT AND IMPORT OF NUCLEAR EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL (10 CFR part 110) 修改的最终规则NRC不再管辖对非核最终用途的氘出口的许可授权,转由BIS管辖。但用于核最终用途的氘出口仍由NRC签发许可授权。




    根据《1954年原子能法案》【经《1978年核不扩散法案》(NNPA)修正】Section 109的规定,授权和指导NRC在与国务卿、能源部和商务部部长磋商后,对NRC确定的“从出口管制角度看,因对核爆炸目的具有重要意义而需特别关注的”“物项或物质”行使出口许可权(42 U.S.C. 2139(b))。自1978年以来,根据这一授权,NRC对所有的氘出口,包括重水,以及用于核和非核最终用途的氘气和其他氘化合物行使管辖权。在核工业发展的早期,氧化氘(重水)主要用于核反应堆。高纯度反应堆级重水(氘浓度在99.75%以上)一直被用于使用天然铀的反应堆。


    在过去的十年里,氘市场发展迅速,不再局限于核反应堆的用途。氘的非核用途包括但不限于生产:先进电子器件、氘代溶剂(deuterated solvents)、氘代药品(deuterated pharmaceuticals)、氢弧灯(hydrogen arc-lamps)、中子发生器以及水文学、生物和医学研究中的示踪剂。


    在过去10年里,用于非核最终用途的氘出口数量稳步增加。越来越多的公司因为出口非核最终用途的氘的数量超过了一般许可证(general licenses)所许可的范围,而向NRC申请特定许可证(specific licenses)。NRC近期的许可授权的审查经验表明,出口的氘几乎只用于非核的工业和研究最终用途。其他供应国虽然对氘实施出口管制,但管制范围仅限于“用于核反应堆”的出口。这一限制出现在桑戈委员会(Zangger Committee, the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Exporters Committee)和核供应国集团(NSG, the Nuclear Suppliers Group)对触发清单物项的说明中。美国既是桑戈委员会的成员,也是核供应国集团的成员。



    但被转移到非法用途的风险是一直存在的,非核最终用途的氘出口和再出口将受到EAR核不扩散原因管制(具体为NP 2),向受NP 2管制的目的出口或再出口非核最终用途的氘均须获得BIS的许可(许可证或许可例外)。此外,EAR §744对于最终用途和最终用户的管制将会对向与美国出口管制目标相左的出口、再出口和转让(国内)实施更为严苛的许可证要求,例如EAR §744.2规定的某些核最终用途,EAR §744.6规定的对美国人的某些活动的限制,以及对实体清单和被拒绝人员清单等受关注实体的限制。



    (一)修改商业控制清单(CCL) ECCN 1C298





    Graphite with a boron content of less than 5 parts per million and a density greater than 1.5 grams per cubic centimeter that is intended for use other than in a nuclear reactor.

    Graphite and deuterium that is intended for use other than in a nuclear reactor, as follows (see List of Items Controlled).


    Reason for Control: NP

    Control(s) :NP applies to entire entry Country chart:NP Column 2

    Reason for Control: NP

    Control(s) :NP applies to entire entryCountry chart:NP Column 2

    License Requirement Note: 

    Some graphite intended for use in a nuclear reactor is subject to the export licensing authority of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (see 10 CFR part 110).

    License Requirement Note: 

    The graphite and deuterium, as defined in this entry, when intended for use in a nuclear reactor, is subject to the export licensing authority of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (see 10 CFR part 110).


    LVS: N/A

    GBS: N/A

    LVS: N/A

    GBS: N/A


    Related Controls:

    (1) See also 1C107. 

    (2) Graphite having a purity level of less than 5 parts per million “boron equivalent” as measured according to ASTM standard C-1233-98 and intended for use in a nuclear reactor is subject to the export licensing authority of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (see 10 CFR part 110).


    Related Controls:

    (1) See also 1C107.

    (2) Graphite having a purity level of less than 5 parts per million “boron equivalent” as measured according to ASTM standard C-1233-98 and intended for use in a nuclear reactor is subject to the export licensing authority of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (see 10 CFR part 110).

    (3) Deuterium and any deuterium compound, including heavy water, in which the ratio of deuterium atoms to hydrogen atoms exceeds 1:5000; and intended for use in a nuclear reactor is subject to the export licensing authority of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (see 10 CFR part 110).


    Related Definitions:

    For the purpose of this entry, graphite with a purity level better than 5 parts per million boron equivalent is determined according to ASTM standard C1233-98. In applying ASTM standard C1233-98, the boron equivalence of the element carbon is not included in the boron equivalence calculation, since carbon is not considered an impurity.


    For the purpose of this entry, graphite with a purity level better than 5 parts per million boron equivalent is determined according to ASTM standard C1233-98. In applying ASTM standard C1233-98, the boron equivalence of the element carbon is not included in the boron equivalence calculation, since carbon is not considered an impurity. For the purpose of this entry, `Deuterium' means deuterium and any deuterium compound, including heavy water, in which the ratio of deuterium atoms to hydrogen atoms exceeds 1:5000.


    The list of items controlled is contained in the ECCN heading.


    a. Graphite with a boron content of less than 5 parts per million and a density greater than 1.5 grams per cubic centimeter that is intended for use other than in a nuclear reactor;

    b. `Deuterium' not for use in a nuclear reactor.




    由上述对比图可以看出,本次最终规则修订了ECCN 1C298的标题、许可要求说明以及受管制物项段的相关管制、相关定义,以对被归类在ECCN 1C298下的氘实施管制。

    1.修订标题,移除石墨的管制参数,增加“氘”。当石墨或氘用于核反应堆以外的用途,并满足ECCN 1C298 .a或.b附加的管制参数时,此类石墨和氘都将受到ECCN 1C298管制。标题中被移除的石墨管制参数被移至管制物项段-物项-.a段中。


    2.修订许可要求说明,增加“氘”,明确ECCN 1C298所定义的石墨和氘,如果用于核反应堆,许可授权均由NRC管辖。







    4.修订管制物项段的物项,增加.a和.b段,用以区分ECCN 1C298下控制的石墨和氘。

    新增的.a段用以识别“石墨“,如上文所述,修订前标题中的石墨管制参数被移至.a段中,当某种石墨满足.a段的管制参数时应归类为ECCN 1C298.a。

    新增的b段用以识别“氘”,包括任何氘化合物和重水,当满足.b段的管制参数时,应归类为ECCN 1C298.b。


    5.需要注意的是,归类在ECCN 1C298的氘仅有一个管制原因——核不扩散(NP), 适用于国家表中受NP 2管制的最终目的地。中国(PRC)不在NP 2管制目的地内,这意味着在符合条件下,非核最终用途的氘出口或再出口至中国无许可证要求。此外,氘不适用LVS和GBS许可例外。



