  • 海关律师网 > 海关律师说法 > 外贸进出口管制
    发布时间:2021-02-25 16:00:00  浏览:9250次


    注意本文内容基于2021115BISFederal Register发布的一项临时最终规则(interim final rule)该规则目前处于公众评论阶段将于2021316日生效

    一、 背景

    2018813日,总统签署了《2019财年国防授权法案》(John S. McCain NationalDefense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019),该法案包括《2018出口管制改革法》(ECRA, Export Control Reform Act of 2018, U.S.C. 50 4801-4852)ECRAECRA指示美国总统对某些活动实施管制。为执行ECRA的规定,BIS发布本临时最终规则对《出口管理条例》(EAR, Export Administration Regulations) §730§734§736§744的条款进行修订。BIS根据EAR对下列行为实施额外的许可证要求:








    1.ECRA §1753(a)(2)50 U.S.C. 4812(a)(2)】指示美国总统对美国人从事有关特定核爆炸装置、导弹、化学或生物武器、化学武器前体整厂、外国海上核项目和外国军事情报活动实施管制,无论其身处何地。


    1.2 虽然ECRA §1754(d)(2)【50 U.S.C. 4813(d)(2)】并未具体指示美国商务部长对美国人从事与外国军事情报有关的活动实施许可证要求,但ECRA §1754(a)(16)【50 U.S.C. 4813(a)(16)】授权商务部长采取任何行动以执行ECRA §1753【50 U.S.C. 4812】授权给美国总统的权力,只要该行动未被法律禁止即可,这就包括了ECRA §1753(a)(2)(F)【50 U.S.C. 4812(a)(2)(F)】对美国人从事与外国军事情报有关的活动的限制。

    50 U.S.C. 4813(d).


    50 U.S.C. 4813(a)(16)


    50 U.S.C. 4812(a)(2)(F)


    三、 具体措施

    1.修订EAR §730.5和§734.5(a)扩大受EAR管制的美国人活动范围

    EAR已经对美国人从事与核爆炸装置、导弹、生化武器以及化学武器前体整厂有关的具体活动进行了管制。为与ECRA的规定保持一致,BIS正在扩大EAR中现有的管制措施,将美国人从事与某些军事情报最终用途和最终用户有关的活动包括在内。BIS正在修订EAR §730.5(d)和§734.5(a)来扩大受EAR管制的美国人活动范围,将支持某些军事情报最终用途和最终用户的活动包括在内。

    修订后的EAR §730.5 (d) U.S. person activities. The EAR restrict specific activities of U.S. persons, wherever located, related to the proliferation of nuclear explosive devices,

    missiles, chemical or biological weapons, whole plants for chemical weapons

    precursors, and certain military-intelligence end uses and end users, as described in

    § 744.6 of the EAR.

    修订后的EAR §734.5 (a) Specific activities of U.S. persons, wherever located, related to he

    proliferation of nuclear explosive devices, missiles, chemical or biological weapons,

    whole plants for chemical weapons precursors, and certain military-intelligence end uses

    and end users as described in § 744.6 of the EAR.

    1.2 全面修订通用禁令(General Prohibitions 7

    EAR § 736.2(General Prohibitions)中规定了在未获得BIS的许可证的情况下禁止进行的出口、再出口、转让(国内)以及美国人的活动。现行的EAR §736.2(b)(7),即通用禁令七(General Prohibitions Seven)规定了受EAR许可证要求管制的美国人从事大规模杀伤性武器(WMD)活动的类型。BIS此次将通用禁令七进行全面修改:

    (1)将通用禁令七的标题改为“General Prohibition Seven—Support of proliferation activities and certain military-intelligence end uses and end users (“U.S. person” activities)”,将军事情报最终用途和最终用户纳入禁令七管制范围。

    (2)修订对“美国人(U.S. person)”的定义,与EAR §772.1中的“美国人(U.S. person)”保持前后一致。现行的美国人定义根据是EAR §744.6(c),改为EAR §772.1中的定义后受禁令7管制的“美国人”范围进一步细化和扩大。


    EAR §744.6(c)

    EAR §772.1

    (c) Definition of U.S. person. For purposes of this section, the term U.S. person includes:

    (1) Any individual who is a citizen of the United States, a permanent resident alien of the United States, or a protected individual as defined by 8 U.S.C. 1324b(a)(3);

    (2) Any juridical person organized under the laws of the United States or any jurisdiction within the United States, including foreign branches; and

    (3) Any person in the United States.

    U.S. Person.

    (a) For purposes of §§ 740.21(e)(1), 744.6, 744.10, 744.11, 744.12, 744.13, and 744.14 ofthe  EAR, the term U.S.  person includes:

    (1)Any individual who is a citizen of the United States, a permanent resident alien of the  United States, or a protected individual as defined by 8 U.S.C. 1324b(a)(3);

    (2)Any juridical person organized under the laws of the  United States or anyjurisdiction within the  United States, including foreign branches; and

    (3)Any person in the  United States.

    (b) See also §§ 740.9, 740.14, and 740.21(f)(2) and  parts 746 and 760 of the  EAR fordefinitions of “U.S. person” that are specific to those sections and parts.

    §740.9(a)(12) U.S. persons. For purposes of this § 740.9, a U.S. person is defined as follows: an individual who is a citizen of the  United States, an individual who is a lawful permanent resident as defined by 8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(2) or an individual who is a protected individual as defined by 8 U.S.C. 1324b(a)(3). U.S. person also means any juridical person organized under the laws of the  United States, or any jurisdiction within the  United States (e.g., corporation, business association, partnership, society, trust, or any other entity, organization or group that is authorized to do business in the United States).

    §740.14(b)(4)(i)For purposes of this paragraph (b), U.S. person is defined as follows: an individual who is a citizen of the United States, an individual who is a lawful permanent resident as defined by 8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(2) or an individual who is a protected individual as defined by 8 U.S.C. 1324b(a)(3).

    §740.14(f)(2)......For purposes of this paragraph (f)(2), a 'U.S. person' is: an individual who is a citizen of the United States, an individual who is “lawfully admitted for permanent residence” in the United States as defined by 8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(20) or an individual who is a protected individual as defined by 8 U.S.C. 1324b(a)(3). 'U.S. person' also means any juridical person organized under the laws of the United States, or any jurisdiction within the United States (e.g., corporation, business association, partnership, society, trust, or any other entity, organization or group that is authorized to do business in the United States).

    §746.2(c) Definitions. For purposes of this section, “U.S. person” means any person subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, as described in § 515.329 of the Cuban Assets Control Regulations (31 CFR 515.329).

    §760.1(b) Definition of “United States person”.  

    (1) This part applies to United States persons. For purposes of this part, the term United States person means any person who is a United States resident or national, including individuals, domestic concerns, and “controlled in fact” foreign subsidiaries, affiliates, or other permanent foreign establishments of domestic concerns. This definition of United States person includes both the singular and plural and, in addition, includes:  

    (i) The government of the United States or any department, agency, or commission thereof; 

    (ii) The government of any State of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, any territory or possession of the United States, or any subdivision, department, agency, or commission of any such government;  

    (iii) Any partnership, corporation, company, association, or other entity organized under the laws of paragraph (b)(1)(i) or (ii) of this section;  

    (iv) Any foreign concern's subsidiary, partnership, affiliate, branch, office, or other permanent establishment in any state of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or any territory or possession of the United States; and  

    (v) Any domestic concern's foreign subsidiary, partnership, affiliate, branch, office, or other permanent foreign establishment which is controlled in fact by such domestic concern. (See paragraph (c) of this section on “Definition of ‘Controlled in Fact’.”)  


    (4) The term United States person does not include an individual United States national who is resident outside the United States and who is either employed permanently or temporarily by a non-United States person or assigned to work as an employee for, and under the direction and control of, a non-United States person.


    (3)扩大禁令七管制范围,对涉及大规模杀伤性武器(WMD)的活动用“use【EAR §772.1】”的组成行为进行细化描述——设计、开发、生产、操作、安装(包括现场安装)、维护(检查)、维修、大修或翻新,也将美国人在未获得BIS许可证的情况下从事支持某些军事情报最终用途和最终用户的特定活动纳入禁令范围。

    1.全面修订EAR §744.6

    EAR §744.6的立法目的是管制不受其他联邦部门或机构的监管的、与本节所列举的最终用途和最终用户有关的美国人的活动。

    (1) 根据ECRA的规定,除非该事项属于由商务部以外的其他联邦部门或机构实施的法规或规则条例的管辖范围内,否则商务部长可以对美国人的特定活动实施许可证要求。因此,BIS正在修订EAR §744.6(a) 来界定受BIS许可证管制的美国人活动的范围,排除包括能源部、国务院或财政部在内的任何受其他许可证要求或由其他联邦部门或机构管制的活动,以避免美国政府各机构之间许可证要求的交叉重复。

    修订后的 EAR §744.6 Restrictions on specific activities of U.S. persons.

    (a) Scope. The general prohibitions in this section apply only to the extent that the

    underlying activities are not subject to a license requirement or general prohibition

    administered by another federal department or agency, see, for example, Assistance to

    Foreign Atomic Energy Activities regulations (10 CFR part 810), administered by the

    Department of Energy; International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) (22 CFR parts 120 through 130), administered by the Department of State; and certain sanctions regulations (to include, but not limited to, 31 CFR parts 500 through 599), administered by the Department of the Treasury. Accordingly, U.S. persons are required to seek a license from BIS only for the activities described in this section that are not subject to a license requirement or general prohibition administered by the Department of Energy, Department of State, Department of the Treasury, or other federal department or agency

    (2)明确BIS签发的许可证不授权美国人从事任何被美国法律(包括刑事法规)所禁止的行为。即使受美国管辖的人已获得BIS许可,此人从事与EAR §744.6中所述最终用途和最终用户相关的活动仍有可能被包括刑法在内的其他美国法律禁止。因此,行为必须同时符合EAR的规定以及其他美国法律的规定。

    修订后的 EAR §744.6 Restrictions on specific activities of U.S. persons.

    (a)......The issuance of a license by BIS, or any other federal department or agency, does not authorize U.S. persons to engage in any activity that is otherwise prohibited by

    law, including criminal statutes.

    (3)根据修订后的EAR §744.6(e)的规定,对美国人申请“为军事情报最终用途和最终用户提供支持”许可证的政策是推定拒绝(presumption of denial)

    (4)现行的EAR §744.6规定了适用于美国人从事特定活动的许可证要求,包括了与核爆炸、导弹、化学或生物武器和化学武器前体整厂有关的出口、再出口和转让(国内)以及与出口无关的活动(例如签订合同、服务和雇佣)。根据ECRA §1754(d)(1)(A)【50 U.S.C. 4813(d)(1)(A)】的规定,即使所涉及的物项不受EAR管制,美国人所从事的活动同样受管制。

    50 U.S.C. 4813(d)(1)(A)


    因此,为与ECRA保持一致,BIS对EAR §744.6进行修订确保EAR §744.6中的管制措施适用于那些不受EAR管制的物项。以下行为将被视为“support”,在未获得BIS许可证的情况下将被EAR §744.6(a)禁止:

    ①在知晓不受EAR管制的物项将被用于或被EAR §744.6(b)(1)~(5)所述的最终用途或最终用户使用时,将该物项从某一外国(非美国)装运(shipping)或传送(transmitting)至另一外国(非美国),包括以任何方式将该物项送往或带往外国(非美国);


    ②在知晓不受EAR管制的物项将被用于或被EAR §744.6(b)(1)~(5)所述的最终用途或最终用户使用时,对该物项进行转让(国内);



    EAR §744.6(b)(1)~(5)所述的最终用途或最终用户,包括但不限于:订购、购买、转移、隐匿、储存、使用、销售、贷款、处置、维修、融资、运输、货运代理或谈判。

    EAR §744.6(b)(6) `Support' means:

    (i) Shipping or transmitting from one foreign country to another foreign country any item not subject to the EAR you know will be used in or by any of the end uses or

    end users described in paragraphs (b)(1) through (5) of this section, including the sending or taking of such item to or from foreign countries in any manner;

    (ii) Transferring (in-country) any item not subject to the EAR you know will be used in or by any of the end uses or end users described in paragraphs (b)(1) through (5) of this section;

    (iii) Facilitating such shipment, transmission, or transfer (in-country); or

    (iv) Performing any contract, service, or employment you know may assist or benefit any of the end uses or end users described in paragraphs (b)(1) through (5) of this section, including, but not limited to: Ordering, buying, removing, concealing, storing, using, selling, loaning, disposing, servicing, financing, transporting, freight forwarding, or conducting negotiations in furtherance of.

    EAR §744.6对不受EAR管制的某些物项的交易,以及涉及美国人的某些支持活动实施了许可证要求。但BIS指出,EAR §744的其他部分(如§744.2, §744.3, §744.4和§744.22)也对向用于核、导弹、生化武器以及与军事情报有关的最终用途和最终用户出口、再出口和转让(国内)受 EAR 管制的物项进行了规定。如果根据前述条款美国人或外国人从事推动出口、再出口和转让(国内)的某些活动需要许可证的,未获得许可证的,将根据EAR §764.2 Violations被禁止。

    支持(support)并不要求“将直接帮助(will directly assist)”,只要美国人知道所从事的活动“将会支持(will support)”EAR §744.6中所列的任何最终用途或最终用户即可。BIS根据ECRA §1754(d)(1)(B)【50 U.S.C. 4813(d)(1)(B)】作出此变更,该条授权美国商务部部长对ECRA §1754(d)(2)【50 U.S.C. 4813(d)(2)】中规定的“可能支持”最终用途的活动实施管制。同时,ECRA §1754(a)(16)【50 U.S.C. 4813(a)(16)】的授权美国商务部部长在没有法律禁止的前提下采取任何必要行动来执行本分章的规定,包括对ECRA §1753(a)(2)【50 U.S.C. 4812(a)(2)】所规定的最终用途和最终用户实施管制。

    50 U.S.C. 4813(d)(1)(B)


    (4)与ECRA §1753(a)(2)(F)【50 U.S.C. 4812(a)(2)(F)】和ECRA §1754(a)(16) 【50 U.S.C. 4813(a)(16)】的规定保持一致,BIS在EAR §744.6中增加对美国人支持某些军事情报最终用途和最终用户活动的限制。

    EAR §744.6 Restrictions on specific activities of U.S. persons.

    (b) General prohibitions. No U.S. person may, without a license from BIS, `support':

    (5) A `military-intelligence end use' or a `military-intelligence end user,' as defined in § 744.22(f) of the EAR, in the People's Republic of China, Russia, or Venezuela; or a country listed in Country Groups E:1 or E:2.

    (1)所述修订中的EAR §744.6适用于不受EAR管制的物项所以受军事情报最终用途和最终用户管制的物项也将包括不受EAR管制的物项同时美国人不能为军事情报最终用途和最终用户提供修订中的EAR §744.6(b)(6)所述支持

    如(1)所述,修订中的EAR §744.6适用于不受EAR管制的物项,所以受军事情报最终用途和最终用户管制的物项也将包括不受EAR管制的物项。同时,美国人不能为军事情报最终用途和最终用户提供修订中的EAR §744.6(b)(6)所述“支持”。


    (5)为某些人员支持军事情报最终用途和最终用户提供授权。修订中的EAR §744.6(d)(2)规定:如果是为了履行职责来推动美国政府项目、且该美国政府项目已得到法律授权并由美国总统以其它方式进行管理,美国政府部门或机构的雇员可以支持(support)EAR §744.6(b)(5)所述的最终用途或最终用户。但不授权美国政府部门或机构提供被其他行政规定或法规所禁止的“支持”。美国政府部门或机构的“承包商支持人员(Contractor support personnel)”在根据双方间的合同或其他官方职责而履责时,可以获得授权。当美国政府部门或机构作为非美国政府的代理人时,不能获授权。


    根据EAR § 740.11(b)(2)(ii)的规定,承包商支持人员是指:根据合同向美国政府部门或机构提供行政、管理、科学或技术支持的人员(例如,联邦资助的研究机构、系统工程的承包商雇员或技术援助承包商)。在本条中,“承包商支持人员”仅限于在美国政府拥有或运营的设施内或在美国政府雇员(即由美国政府直接雇用的个人)的直接监管下提供此类支持的人员。私人安全承包商(Private security contractors)不是承包商支持人员,因为尽管他们可能在美国政府拥有或运营的设施中工作,但其并不为美国政府提供行政、管理、科学或技术方面的支持服务。


    1.修订EAR §744.21(g)中“军事最终用户”的定义

    2020年12月,BIS创设军事最终用户清单(MEU List)。此次新增EAR §744.22后,现行EAR §744.21(g)规定的“军事最终用户”包含“政府情报和侦察组织”,“政府情报和侦察组织”同时也包含EAR §744.22(f)(2)规定的“军事情报最终用户”,但EAR §744.21(a)中的禁令仅适用于受EAR §744 supplement No. 2管制的物项,而EAR §744.22(a)中所述的禁令适用于所有受EAR管制的物项。为了避免出现重复的许可证要求和便于遵守,BIS正在修订EAR §744.21(g)中“军事最终用户”的定义,将武装部队的情报、侦察组织以及国民警卫队(预备役部队)排除在外,二者将遵守EAR §744.22中的许可证要求。修订后的“军事最终用户”是指:国家武装部队(陆军、海军、海军、空军或海岸警卫队),以及国民警卫队(预备役部队)、国家警察和政府情报、侦察组织【不包括EAR §744.22(f)(2)中所规定的组织】或者其行动或职能旨在支持EAR §744.21(f)所定义的“军事最终用途”的任何个人或实体。

    修订后的 EAR §744.21(g) Military end user. In this section, the term `military end user' means the national armed services (army, navy, marine, air force, or coast guard), as well as the national guard and national police, government intelligence or reconnaissance organizations (excluding those described in §744.22(f)(2) of the EAR), or any person or entity whose actions or functions are intended to support `military end uses' as defined in paragraph (f) of this section.

    1.5新增§744.22 对向某些军事最终用途和军事最终用户的出口、再出口和转让(国内)的限制

    (1)EAR §744.22 (a)和(b)规定了对某些军事情报最终用途和最终用户适用许可证的要求。

    ①受该条管制的物项包括任何(any)受EAR管制的物项(EAR 99物项同样受管制),管制物项范围非常广。所以,结合EAR §744.6对美国人活动的限制规定,被列为MIEU的实体在未获得许可证的情况下无法获得受EAR管制的物项,在满足一定条件的情况下不受EAR管制的物项同样不能获得。

    ②知晓(knowledge)的时间节点是“在(at the time)进行出口、再出口和转让(国内)时”,关于知晓的定义可以参考EAR §772.1-knowledge。

    Knowledge知晓某一情况,在法条中表现形式有多种,如知道(know)、有理由知道(reason to know)、有理由相信(reason to believe),不仅包括对该情况存在或会实质性发生的肯定性认识,还包括对其存在或未来将发生的高概率性认识。这种意识既可以从一个人有意识地无视其已知事实的证据中推断出来的,也可以从一个人故意回避事实的行为中推断出来的。前述定义不适用于EAR §760(Restrictive Trade Practices or Boycotts)

    ③知晓的程度是知晓该物项意图(intend)流向【export, reexport, or transfer (in-country)】某些军事情报最终用途和最终用户,且无论该物项是全部或部分流向。可参考EAR §760.1(e)对intend的定义。



    ⑤如果BIS认为某一物项流向某些军事情报最终用途和最终用户会造成不可接受的风险(an unacceptable risk)时,BIS会通过在《联邦纪事》(the Federal Register)上发布EAR修正案或通过在《联邦纪事》上发布单独通知的形式告知出口商将对特定出口、再出口和转让(国内)活动实施许可证要求,所以我们必须密切注意BIS的通知。

    (2)EAR §744.22 (c)规定了许可豁免。我们可以基于EAR §740.11(b)(2)(ii)的规定向BIS申请GOV许可豁免(License Exception GOV)。当该物项的出口、再出口和转让(国内)是由美国政府的部门或机构进行或是被委托给美国政府的部门或机构进行时,才能获得该许可豁免。对中国的实体而言,获得该许可豁免难度非常高。

     (3)EAR §744.22 (d)和(e)规定了根据该节提交的许可证申请的程序和审查政策,许可证审查政策为推定拒绝(a presumption of denial)


    (5)EAR §744.22 (f)对“军事情报最终用途”和“军事情报最终用户”进行了界定,并根据EAR §744.22中概述的许可证要求列出了军事情报最终用户清单。

    ①军事情报最终用途指:以支持(support)本节定义的“军事情报最终用户”的行动或职能为目的,设计、开发、生产、使用、操作、安装(包括现场安装)、维护(检查)、维修、大修、翻新、融合进被规定在《美国军需品名单》(USML, the U.S. Munitions List, 22 CFR 121 ITAR)中,或归类在以“A018”结尾的ECCN下。或属于600 series的物项。

    ②军事情报最终用户指:任何武装部队(陆军、海军、海军、空军或海岸警卫队)的情报或侦察组织以及国民警卫队(预备役部队)。对于适用于中国(PRC)、俄罗斯或委内瑞拉的其他政府情报或侦察组织的许可证要求,请参见EAR§744.21。受EAR §744.22规定的许可证要求管制的军事情报最终用户包括但不限于以下:

    (i) 古巴,军事情报总局(DIM, Directorate of Military Intelligence)和军事反情报总局(CIM, Directorate of Military Counterintelligence);

    (ii) 中国(PRC),联合参谋部情报局(People's Republic of Intelligence Bureau of the Joint Staff Department);

    (iii) 伊朗,伊斯兰革命卫队情报组织(IRGC-IO, Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Intelligence Organization)和Artesh情报局(J2, Artesh Directorate for Intelligence) 


    (iv)朝鲜,侦查总局(RGB, Korea, North. Reconnaissance General Bureau) ;

    (v)俄罗斯,格勒乌(GRU, Russia, Main Intelligence Directorate) ;

    (vi)叙利亚,军事情报局 (Military Intelligence Service);

    (vii) 委内瑞拉,军事反情报总局(DGCIM, General Directorate of Military Counterintelligence)。


    (6)MEU 与MIEU的对比




    非详尽在最终用户审查用户委员(ERC, End-User Review Committee)决定某一实体属于军事最终用户后BIS将会告知并向公众提供通知该实体受“附加禁令EAR §744.21(b)的管制任何向该实体出口再出口或转让(国内)的行为都存在被或转移到某些中国(PRC)、俄罗斯和委内瑞拉的军事最终用途或最终用户的不可接受的风险需要向BIS申请许可证此类实体可能会(may be)被列入MEU List在出口再出口或转让(国内)EAR §744 supplement no. 2所列物项受许可证要求管制


    include, but are not limited



    EAR §744 supplement no. 2所列物项

    所有受EAR管制的物项。结合EAR §744.6对美国人活动的限制,满足一定条件情况下某些不受EAR管制的物项同样不能向MIEU提供



    i 被融合进入《美国军需品名单》(USML, the U.S. Munitions List, 22 CFR 121 ITAR)所述的军用物项中

    ii 被融合进以“A018”结尾的ECCN或属于600 series物项中

    iii 任何支持或有助于对USML所述军用物项以“A018”结尾的ECCN或属于600 series物项进行操作、安装、维护、维修、大修、翻新、开发或生产的物项


    ②修订后的“军事最终用户”是指:国家武装部队(陆军、海军、海军、空军或海岸警卫队),以及国民警卫队(预备役部队)、国家警察和政府情报、侦察组织【不包括EAR §744.22(f)(2)中所列的组织】或者其他行动或职能旨在支持EAR §744.21(f)所定义的“军事最终用途”的任何个人或实体。

    ①军事情报最终用途指:以支持(support)本节定义的“军事情报最终用户”的行动或职能为目的,设计、开发、生产、使用、操作、安装(包括现场安装)、维护(检查)、维修、大修、翻新、融合进被规定在《美国军需品名单》(USML, the U.S. Munitions List, 22 CFR 121 ITAR)中,或归类在以“A018”结尾的ECCN下。或属于600 series物项。




    商业控制清单(CCL, Commerc Control List)对物项实施许可证要求外在进行出口再出口或转让(国内)如果知晓EAR §772.1所定义物项意图全部或部分用于中国(PRC)、俄罗斯和委内瑞拉的军事最终用途或最终用户在未获得许可证情况下不得将EAR §744 supplement no. 2所列物项出口再出口或转让(国内)至中国(PRC)、俄罗斯和委内瑞拉

    商业控制清单(CCL, Commerc Control List)对物项实施许可证要求外在进行出口再出口或转让(国内)如果知晓物项意图全部或部分用于中国(PRC)、俄罗斯委内瑞拉和属于E:1E:2国家组的国家军事情报最终用途和最终用户,在未获得BIS许可证情况下不得将任何受EAR管制的物项出口再出口或转让(国内)至中国(PRC)、俄罗斯委内瑞拉和属于E:1E:2国家组的国家


    ①如果BIS认为某一物项流向某些中国(PRC)、俄罗斯和委内瑞拉的军事最终用途或最终用户会造成不可接受的风险(an unacceptable risk)BIS会通过在《联邦纪事》(the Federal Register)上发布EAR修正案或通过在《联邦纪事》上发布单独通知的方式单独告知我们将对特定出口再出口和转让国内活动实施许可证要求

    ②单独通知只会由Deputy Assistant Secretary for Export Administration发出或在其指示下发出,如以口头方式发出通知,则会在两个工作日内发出书面通知,并由出口管理局副局长或其指定的人签署。出口商不能以没有收到BIS通知为由作为其遵守本节(a)款许可要求的理由。

    如果BIS认为某一物项流向某些军事情报最终用途和最终用户会造成不可接受的风险时BIS会通过在《联邦纪事》(the Federal Register)上发布EAR修正案或通过在《联邦纪事》上发布单独通知的方式单独告知我们将对特定出口再出口和转让国内活动实施许可证要求


    MEU List中的实体在交易中属于购买人EAR §748.5(c)Purchaser】、中间收货人EAR §748.5(d)Intermediate consignee】、最终收货人EAR §748.5(e)Ultimate consignee和最终使用人EAR §748.5(f)End-user如果出口、再出口或转让(国内)的物项属于EAR §744 supplement no. 2所列物项对该实体有许可证要求



    ①向MEU清单实体出口、再出口或国内转让物项的许可证申请为推定拒绝(presumption of denial)

    ②最终用途涉及扩散活动的如生化武器扩散、核不扩散或导弹技术用途将根据EAR§742.2(b)(4), 742.3(b)(4)742.5(b)(4)的标准进行审查



    基于EAR §740.11(b)(2)(i)和EAR §740.11(b)(2)(ii) GOV许可豁免

    基于EAR §740.11(b)(2)(ii) GOV许可豁免




    出口商、再出口商和转让方有义务去确认交易方未被列入MEU List不受通用禁令的管制



    委内瑞拉涉及向委内瑞拉或委内瑞拉境内进行出口、再出口或转让物项()的交易如果此类交易的合同是在2014117日之前签订的则不受EAR § 744.21的管制




    1.50 U.S.C. 4812(a)(2). https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCODE-2018-title50/html/USCODE-2018-title50-chap58-subchapI-sec4812.htm.

    2.50 U.S.C. 4813(d). https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCODE-2018-title50/html/USCODE-2018-title50-chap58-subchapI-sec4813.htm.

    3.50 U.S.C. 4813(a)(16). https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCODE-2018-title50/html/USCODE-2018-title50-chap58-subchapI-sec4813.htm.

    4.50 U.S.C. 4812(a)(2)(F). https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCODE-2018-title50/html/USCODE-2018-title50-chap58-subchapI-sec4812.htm.

    5.50 U.S.C. 4813(d)(1)(B). https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCODE-2018-title50/html/USCODE-2018-title50-chap58-subchapI-sec4813.htm.

    6.Country Group E. EAR §740 Supplement No. 1. https://bis.doc.gov/index.php/documents/regulation-docs/2255-supplement-no-1-to-part-740-country-groups-1/file.

    7.50 U.S.C. 4813(d)(1)(A). https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCODE-2018-title50/html/USCODE-2018-title50-chap58-subchapI-sec4813.htm.

    8.Expansion of Certain End-Use and End-User Controls and Controls on Specific Activities of U.S. Persons. https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/01/15/2021-00977/expansion-of-certain-end-use-and-end-user-controls-and-controls-on-specific-activities-of-us-persons.



